Another snowy day today... working from home.
There are some advantages and disadvantages of having a snow day and working from home.
Since I like hearing bad news first before the good, here are the disadvantages:
Having to dig your car out on a foot of packed snow. I spent quite a while outside trying to clean my car (btw the pic on the left is from this website but it’s damn close to what I have to put up with)
Secondly, since “mommy” is home, I have to also do my duties at home-cooking and keeping the peace between Hubs and Baby Boy. I swear those two have the same personalities that they clash all the time!
Thirdly, keeping Baby Boy occupied while I try to work. I eventually gave him my camera so that he can take pics of his Lego.
Now the advantages:
Working in your pjs! Wish we could all come in to work in pajamas then go straight to nap time.
An office with a view overlooking the woods. I don’t know what it is about the view from my window that makes everything feel so serene.
And lastly (and certainly not the least) being able to stay in with my Baby Boy. No matter how frustrated I get he always manages to melt my heart with a smile and a hug.
So that’s it. Unfortunately, its back to the grind tomorrow.
Currently: watching Jersey Shore. Did Deena just said that she enjoys to l**** a******s? Gotta love this show....
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